Portrait: Field Food, Sussex.

While my departure from Sussex had been something that was in the works for some years, the act of physically leaving happened very quickly and unceremoniously. But I wanted to celebrate all the years there by reconnecting with some of the wonderful people I’d had the pleasure of working with throughout the years. Included in this is Libby and Henry who’s Supper Clubs I captured some ten or so years ago.

I’d watched from afar them launch Field Food and I was in huge admiration of the direction Libby and Henry were going and all the work they had put in so it was wonderful to be able to fit in a mini fun shoot with them in the weeks before I was following all my belongings in a lorry up the M1. Field Food is not only a physical space anchored in nature where Libby offers nutritious catering but also a way of being - a celebration of all that is wholesome foods that is all either grown on site of locally sourced and prepared with love.



Faces: Portraits of Salt & Co Studio.


Hotel: Photography for Port Hotel, Eastbourne.